Saturday, March 27, 2010

Primal Protein Shake

I was experimenting with different ways to come up with a dairy free primal protein shake and wound up with this concoction... I gotta say, it's pretty darn good!

12 oz. filtered water
1/2 cup 100% egg white powder
1/4 tsp. organic almond extract
1 Tbsp. organic unrefined virgin coconut oil
Ice cubes

Simply mix it all up in a blender. The combination of almond and coconut make for a unique but pleasant taste. If you choose to add a sweetener, that's optional - but I don't use artificial sweeteners and either did cavemen :-) Believe me you won't miss it!

You can experiment with different extracts too. For example, if you used an orange extract (no worries, the oil in the extract is drawn from the rind and contains no fructose!) you'd have a nice tropical shake with the coconut and orange flavor.

32g protein
1.8g carbs (from the egg whites)
0g sugar
14g fat
270 cals - even though we know this is irrelevant ;-)

I'm going to have one of these before workouts because I'm trying to get my protein up to 200 grams per day and it's tough for me simply because I just can't physically eat that much food. However, between my eggs for breakfast and beef, chicken, pork or fish for lunch and dinner, I've got the rest covered.

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